Full Circle: Finding a Voice

16 years old and getting dockets in the mail. The week's court cases included traffic citations and misdemeanor theft. I had a few days to prepare before I put my prosecutor hat on to argue in front of my peers. I went for the maximum sentence of public service hours for a teen who had speed through a school zone. Teen Court was the trigger for me to pursue a career in law. Upon college graduation, I moved to Seattle to prep myself for attending law school, got an entry level position at a law firm and absolutely hated it. It seemed as if the world really didn't need any more lawyers. But I still hungered for advocating...and the drama of persuasion. 

My career path shifted from law to user experience at Microsoft for a while, working to improve customer satisfaction and compatibility with the latest versions of Windows. Then I discovered plaster. It was by accident in some ways because I had lots of spare time to find my talents after I got married. My husband was highly impassioned with video games, which enabled lots of time to explore my own interests. As soon as I picked up the hawk and trowel, I finally found my voice. It wasn't long after I started plastering that I decided to start my own construction company, Earth House Studio. That one trip to Lowes to get plaster changed my life! 


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